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Rocket Salad with Poached Pears, Blue Cheese and Caramelised Walnuts

Rocket Salad with Poached Pears, Blue Cheese and Caramelised Walnuts

Poached Pears:

3 Medium to Large Pears

600ml Water

200ml White Wine

120g Sugar

Cinnamon Quill

Bay Leaf

Star Anise

2 Cloves

Peal, quarter and core the pears. Add all other ingredients to a saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer. Add pears and simmer until just tender. Allow to cool in liquid then chill until required or use. (Alternatively for a quick and easy replacement you can use tinned pears! Simply drain off the liquid and toss with some cinnamon through the left over walnut caramel)

Caramelised Walnuts:

1 Cup Walnuts

1 Cup Water

3/4 Cup Caster Sugar

Bring Water and Sugar to the boil in a saucepan and continue to boil until the liquid caramelises, turning a golden amber colour. Remove from the heat and add a pinch of salt then the walnuts. Stir until completely coated then pour onto grease proof paper until cool. Break up as required.

To complete and serve:

Slice Blue cheese and allow to come up to room temperature. If pears are chilled, remove from the refrigerator and slice then allow to warm to room temperature. Serve by assembling all ingredients on either one large platter or individual plates as a side dish or a light starter.