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Roasted Kumara and Creamy Blue Soup

Roasted Kumara and Creamy Blue Soup

2 Large kumara

1 Large onion, peeled and diced

2 Celery stalks, diced 

1 Carrot, peeled and diced

6 Rashers of streaky bacon, diced

2 Cloves crushed garlic

1/4 cup of Oil

1 tbsp Smoked paprika

1 tbsp Ground cumin

2 ltrs Chicken stock

1/4 cup Lime juice

1 cup Cream

250g Over the Moon Creamy Blue

Toasted Almonds



Peel, cut and place kumara in an oven dish. Drizzle some oil to coat (save the remainder for later). Sprinkle over smoked paprika, cumin. Season with salt and pepper. 

Place in the oven at 180 degrees and roast until kumara is golden.

While the kumara roasts, in a pot, sweat the celery, carrot, onion, bacon, garlic and season with a little oil, salt and pepper. Once sweated off, set aside.

When the kumara is done, remove from the oil and add to the sweated ingredients and top up pot with chicken stock.

Using the leftover spiced oil from the roast pan, toast almonds and set aside to scatter over soup later.

Cook soup for another 30 mins on medium heat. Crumble in your Over the Moon Creamy Blue, add lime juice and blend until smooth . Add cream and mix until combined.

Spoon soup into bowls and sprinkle almonds, spiced oil, parsley for garnish (save some cheese to garnish on top as well if you like).