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Galactic Tart with Caramalised Onion

Galactic Tart with Caramalised Onion

Serves 2


1 sheet puff pastry thawed

1tbsp milk

100g Over the Moon Dairy Galactic Gold washed rind cut into 1/2cm slices

1tbsp caremelised onion chutney

Marjoram, thyme or rocket leaves



  • Heat oven to 200 degrees C; line a baking sheet with baking paper.
  • Place puff pastry sheet on paper, roll in the pastry edges about 1cm, and brush the rolled-up edge with milk. Put 6 slits in the base, about 1cm each.
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes, until golden all over.
  • Turn off the oven and remove the baking sheet.
  • Spread the chutney thinly over the pastry base.
  • Place the Galactic Gold slices on top.
  • Put back into the oven for 2-4 minutes just until the cheese is slightly soft - remove immediately it’s done (or you will end up with a puddle!).
  • Sprinkle the leaves over the top, cut into 4 and enjoy with a green salad (and a hoppy beer).